Help Prevent Entrance Into Your Home

Tired of pests invading your space? Our Pest Control Services in Weatherford, TX, offer expert exclusion work to keep your home pest-free. Say goodbye to unwanted guests with our tailored solutions. Trust our team for effective pest control tailored to Weatherford's unique climate. Contact us today for a pest-free environment! One of the most beneficial things you can do as a consumer experiencing pest issues is exclusion work. This can vary from rodent issues, to common pest issues. We offer exclusion work to help deter quick easy access. Primarily for pest management, we apply copper mesh to weep holes. This isn't an option for pier and beam homes, for that we tend to go the route of Powerdusting the crawl space.

Close The Doors On Rodents

More times than not, if you're having rodent droppings inside the home, or up inside the attic they've established an entry route on one of a few areas. Primarily being freon lines from the AC unit, weep holes, or gaps in the soffit. You can usually see what is known as 'Rat Rub', or the charcoal like color on the paint from the oils/dirt on their body rubbing as they crawl across these entrance points. To help deny them entrance through these 'doors', we use a polyurethane foam that adheres and seals these gaps preventing entrance. We usually pair this service with our Rodent Control program.

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